Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would the government ever admit alien sightings?

I'm talking about the real aliens, the E.T. kind. Just saw a news report of what many people in California said was an alien sighting "just like the Close Encounter Of The Third kind" they said. With the ships in a formation with the colorful lights and all. I don't think that all those witnesses were "just seeing things" as most people like to brush it off when people speak of things like this. I also don't think that the government would ever admit it if they knew for sure that it was aliens. For some reason, they seem like they would want to keep something like that in the dark, and from the public. So what if people "panic" (that's the excuse that I hear all the time: "they don't want people to panic"). They're going to panic anyway one way or the other. The FAA wouldn't even speak to reporters about it they said on the news. I know just like those witnesses, that I saw something last year in the skies that was not man made. It was not a plane, or any other search light from the airport or anything like that. I didn't panic, in fact, I thought that it was really exciting. I tried my hardest to communicate with it with my flashlight lol. The next night that it came out, my friend saw it too. Both of us were sober, and totally shocked.

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